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International Blog

It’s Speech Time Again

By October 19, 2020December 10th, 2020No Comments

As part of the Oral Language curriculum, students write, practise and deliver a speech to their classmates. With Teacher guidance to understand the correct structure of speeches and suitable topic selection, all students in the Middle and Senior School have spent this term writing and learning their speeches.

Once speeches were learnt, the main focus was on the delivery; how to stand, how to hold cue cards and how to project voices. Our second Level 3 lockdown caused a hiccup in the timeframe but this week speech finals will be held at school.

In their International English classes, the students have continued with the process. We have researched more information to ensure the speeches meet the time allocation, checked the grammar and pronunciation of the speech content.

The final emphasis was on delivering the speech confidently and slowly. All the students tried their best and it was a great feeling to see the progress made by individual students this year.